Clojure: pretty print strings

clojure.pprint/pprint can be used to print Clojure data structures in a pleasing, easy-to-understand format. However, sometimes you are not printing directly to *out*, for example when using third party logging libraries/services. Thankfully, we can also use clojure.pprint/pprint generate a pretty string by wrapping it in with-out-str.

   {:some {:nested "data"}
    :that "really shouldn't"
    :be   "printed on a single line"}))

"{:some {:nested \"data\"},\n :that \"really shouldn't\",\n :be \"printed on a single line\"}\n"

with-out-str evaluates an expression in a context in which *out* is bound to a fresh StringWriter and returns a string.

This string can then be passed into the logging function and will preserve the pretty formatting when printed.

(defn log [message]
  (println message))

(-> (with-out-str
       {:some {:nested "data"}
        :that "really shouldn't"
        :be   "printed on a single line"}))

{:some {:nested "data"},
 :that "really shouldn't",
 :be   "printed on a single line"}